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  • α-萘酚试液
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    gfyd001 光复 -- 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 三氯化铝试液
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    gfyd041 光复 1.00% 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 三氯化铝试液
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    gfyd042 光复 3.00% 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银试液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyd012 光复 0.2500% 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 二硝基苯甲酸试液
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    gfyd009 光复 1.00% 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 二硝基苯肼乙醇试液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyd011 光复 0.100% 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 二硝基苯肼试液
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    gfyd010 光复 1.500% 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 亚硝酸钴钠试液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyd056 光复 20.0% 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 吲哚醌试液
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    gfyd059 光复 1.00% 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 四苯硼钠试液
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    gfyd043 光复 0.100% 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 对二甲氨基苯甲醛试液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyd008 光复 0.12500% 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 氢氧化钙试液
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    gfyd038 光复 0.300% 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 氨制氯化铜试液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyd003 光复 7.500% 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 氨试液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyd002 光复 4.00% 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 氯化钙试液
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    gfyd062 光复 7.500% 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 氯化铵试液
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    gfyd032 光复 10.500% 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 氯化铵镁试液
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    gfyd031 光复 -- 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 溴百里香酚蓝试液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyd055 光复 0.0300% 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 甘油乙醇试液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyd016 光复 -- 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 甘油醋酸试液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyd015 光复 -- 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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