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  • BY棕黄色比色液(欧洲药典)
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs005 光复 -- 100ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 欧洲药典棕色比色标准溶液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs009 光复 棕色 100ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 欧洲药典棕黄色标准比色液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs012 光复 棕黄色 100ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 欧洲药典红色比色标准溶液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs011 光复 红色 100ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 欧洲药典黄绿色标准比色液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs010 光复 黄绿色 100ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 比色用氯化钴
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs013 光复 59.5mg/ml 100ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 比色用氯化铁标液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs014 光复 45.0mg/ml 100ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 比色用硫酸铜
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs015 光复 62.4mg/ml 100ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 比色用红色基准液(欧洲药典)
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs002 光复 59.5mg/ml C0Cl.6H20 100ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 比色用蓝色基准液(欧洲药典)
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs004 光复 62.4mg/ml CuSO4.5H20 100ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 比色用黄色基准液(欧洲药典)
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs003 光复 45.0mg/ml FeCl3.6H2O 100ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 氯化亚钴比色液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs007 光复 59.5mg/ml 50*10支 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 氯化石蜡标准比色液(配氯化石蜡)
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs001 光复 -- 10ml*5 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 氯化铁比色液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs006 光复 45.0mg/ml 50ml*10支 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 硫酸铜比色液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs008 光复 62.4mg/ml 50ml*10瓶 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 铂钴色度标准溶液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfbs016 光复 不同色号 50ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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