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  • 草酸铵试液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyd004 光复 3.500% 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 荧光黄指示液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfydzs014 光复 -- 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 葡萄糖标液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfzzby002 光复 1.0mg/ml 50ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 葡萄糖标液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfzzby021 光复 1.0mg/ml 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 邻苯二甲酸氢钾-氢氧化钠缓冲液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyyhc001 光复 PH 5.0 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • Potassium hydrogen phthalate
    Potassium hydrogen phthalate
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfmefj008 光复 定容250ml,0.1M 5支/盒 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 酚酞指示液
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    gfydzs017 光复 -- 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 酸性氯化亚锡试液
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    gfyd045 光复 -- 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 醋酸-醋酸钠缓冲液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyyhc006 光复 PH 3.7 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 醋酸-醋酸钠缓冲液
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    gfyyhc007 光复 PH 4.5 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 醋酸-醋酸钠缓冲液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyyhc008 光复 PH 6.0 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 醋酸-醋酸铵缓冲液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyyhc009 光复 PH 4.5 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 醋酸-醋酸铵缓冲液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyyhc010 光复 PH 4.8 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 醋酸-醋酸铵缓冲液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyyhc011 光复 PH 6.0 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 醋酸盐缓冲液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyyhc005 光复 PH 3.5 500ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 醋酸铵试液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfyd005 光复 10.0% 100ml 2-3天 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 钆标液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfgpby024 光复 0.1000mg/ml 50ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 钆标液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfgpby025 光复 0.1000mg/ml 100ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 钐标液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfgpby052 光复 0.1000mg/ml 50ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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  • 钐标液
    Article No Brand Purity specification Packing Delivery date Catalogue price Membership price Quantity
    gfgpby053 光复 0.1000mg/ml 100ml 现货 Inquiry Log in to view the discount price
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